BYP100 + Emancipate NC
Thanks to you all, around 11pm on Thursday, June 11th ('cause I do my best work late at night) I was able to make donations to these two positive forces in our community.
I feel conflicted about sharing the amount, I'm not sure what's etiquette or not, but I will say this - I had a hopeful amount and I had a "wouldn't it be amazing" amount in mind. The "amazing" amount was double the hopeful amount and you actually hit that amount. Thank you for your help and enthusiasm with this. Because I like being held accountable, if you would like to know the amount for your own purposes, please message me. I'm happy to share.
Thanks again everyone!
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Midnight to midnight Tuesday 6/9, we will donate the profits from all sales to these two organizations. If any other local businesses would like to join, boosting their choice of organization(s), I'm happy to retweet and repost.
Thank you!!!
BLACK YOUTH PROJECT 100: BYP100 is National, member-based organization of Black 18-35 year old activists and organizers, dedicated to creating justice and freedom for all Black people. We do this through building a network focused on transformative leadership development, direct action organizing, advocacy, and political education using a Black queer feminist lens.
EMANCIPATE NC: Dismantling Structural Racism and Mass Incarceration Across North Carolina through community education, narrative shift, and idea incubation, Emancipate NC supports North Carolina’s people as they free themselves from mass incarceration and structural racism.